Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Every birth story is special. When life is brought into this world, it is always an amazing and miraculous thing. With that being said, Bear's birth story is super special. Like super, duper special.

Bear's parent's, Amisha & Joe tried for years to conceive. Three years to be exact. After what seemed like forever of trying, they made the decision to adopt in January of 2013, with the thought that maybe they were just unable to have any more children.Two weeks later they were pregnant. Bear has an awesome older brother, Ashton.With Bear's dad Joe being miles and miles away for work, Ashton got to see the first ultrasound. Joe would drive into town for Bear's doctors appointment, and all three of them were together when Ashton found out that he was going to have a little brother; and he was thrilled!

Bear was set up for an induction the morning of October 9th. With tons of family there to meet this sweet little guy, it was a pretty exciting time for everyone. 

Ashton was so excited about his brother that he constructed a list of loved ones to call once the moment arrived. Not only did he make a list of people to call, but he had family guess Bear's Birth weight, and even had a dollar amount thrown in for bets :) How cool is that? For the record, NO ONE got it right, but it sure was fun to watch everyone put their guess in!

Bear is a 5th generation "Wayne Smith" from his father's father's side, and Ezra is a family name on his father's mother's side. He is the name sake to the Smith family. He had tons of family at the hosptial anxiously awaiting his arrival, some of which stayed in the birth room and cheered Amisha on. The love this big family has for one another was an amazing thing to see.

It was time for Amisha to begin pushing. We all knew it wouldn't be too much longer until sweet Baby Bear was here and in the arms of his loved ones.

Bear weighed 8lbs and 2 ounces. He was 20.5 inches long.

Watching Bear's family love all over him reminded me of just how sacred these moments are. The first moments when you and your family see your child are priceless. Again I was humbled by the fact that I get the chance to be a part of something so sacred and amazing. Bear's arrival was long awaited. I think Amisha tells it best in her own words,

"Bear was really an answered prayer. We waited a long time but he was worth the wait. We wouldn't change a thing. In fact, we would go through it all over again to have him. We believe in Gods will and I would pray to God to have his will in our lives & to let us have a baby when it was meant to be. We surrendered our will and desires to God and he gave us the most beautiful addition to our family we could have ever hoped for. I can't imagine a more appreciated gift."

It was finally time for Ashton to meet his little brother, Bear. We were all so excited to watch him see this little guy for the very first time!

 Bear's Dad, Joe has quite the beard. So it only makes sense that Bear would have one as well, right?

  I was also blessed to photograph Bear's in home Newborn Session. His room is super cool in nautical theme. 

Amisha & Joe, thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this special time in your lives. Bear is a blessed little boy!